Social Projects

Kenya is a country coping with poverty, water shortages, disease and HIV/Aids. Almost a third of the population are under the age of 18 consequently education and vocational training are huge areas of need in order to prepare this emerging population to find employment. Other areas of need include provision of medical care, water supply and sanitation.

Education – Health – Water – Sanitation

Education and Vocational Training

The Salvation Army supports more than 1200 primary and secondary schools in Kenya as well as specialist schools for the visually impaired, and those with physical and mental disabilities.  The Kenya Trust has The Salvation Army’s work in the area of education and vocational training as a major focus of its fundraising efforts.  

The images to the right show the Irukose Primary School Project.  The Kenya Trust provided funding for the construction of 7 new classrooms, latrines, medical room and the administration block for this primary school situated close to the Yala River in Western Kenya.

Health Care Provision

The Kenya Trust funded the completion of a clinic and dispensary at Maiani, a rural area where the lack of medical facilities produces hardship and difficulties for over 1,200 villagers living in the vicinity. It used to take the villagers some 20 hours to travel to the nearest centre for treatment and that was for those who were able and could make the journey. The community itself began to build the medical centre but two dry seasons resulted in very poor harvests limiting the availability of funds. The situation called for external financial support to make progress possible. The Kenya Trust were alerted to this opportunity and were asked to support. The attempt by the community to help themselves with very few resources itself deserved our support and providing the capability to locally treat diseases such as malaria and AIDS/HIV, and the provision of maternity facilities for the community, was of immeasurable benefit.  The Kenya Trust also procured a motorcycle to allow the medic to make calls in the local villages.  The Salvation Army in USA and Australia funded the purchase of the equipment for the clinic.

Water Supplies

Water is a scarce commodity which we in the west take for granted.  We get so used to turning on the tap and out flows water.  In many towns and villages in Kenya plumbed in running water is just not available.  During the rainy season it is imperative that water is harvested and kept for use during the many months of the dry season.  Drilling boreholes and pumping water into storage tanks, or catching rain water from roofs and storing it in large water tanks is a necessity.  The Kenya Trust have provided funds for water harvesting projects at a number of Salvation Army Schools and institutions throughout Kenya.


With running water such a rarity it is no wonder then that indoor sanitation and plumbing is practically unheard of outside of the large towns and cities.  Even in parts of Nairobi, the capital city, there is no provision for toilets with running water and flushing loos!  The Kenya Trust have provided and continue to provide latrines for schools and other institutions.  It costs approximately £4,500 to build a 4 section pit latrine for a school.  Is this something you would like to contribute toward? If so please go to our donate page or send us an email at [email protected]

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