To Donate to The Kenya Trust

Making a Donation of Instruments and Music

Musical instruments are extremely expensive in Kenya and are out of reach for most individuals playing in Salvation Army bands.  Since the early days of The Kenya Trust’s existence, shipments of donated instruments have been sent to support the growth of Salvation Army bands in the country. 

The Kenya Trust can arrange for collection of bulk instruments from most places within the mainland UK, please send us an email to discuss collection options. Single instruments can be sent to the trust again, please get in touch to discuss the best option.  The trust then repair and refurbish these donated instruments  before they are shipped to Kenya and distributed to corps (Churches) around the country.  Instruments in any state of repair are welcome as we can reclaim unplayable ones for spares.  Even empty cases are welcome.  If an instrument is considered beyond reasonable repair or of a type not used in Kenya then the trust may sell them in the UK and put the proceeds towards the shipping costs of other instruments.

The cost of sending instruments to Kenya has risen dramatically in recent times and particularly during the COVID crisis.  The average cost to send an instrument is £45.  Any donations to help with these costs would be gratefully received.

IF you would like to donate any instruments old or new or any music (preferably Salvation Army band tune books), lyres, mutes, and stands please contact us via email at [email protected]

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Making a Financial Donation

Thank you for your support of The Kenya Trust’s work. To make a secure online donation via Paypal please click on the Donate button above.

You do not need a Paypal account to make a donation – just click on the Donate image and follow the instructions to make a credit or debit card donation. 

An alternative method of making a donation is to send a cheque made out to ‘The Kenya Trust’. Please send cheques to; The Kenya Trust, ‘Fairhaven’, Bevere, Worcester, WR3 7RF. 

To set up a direct debit please download the Standing Order Mandate by clicking on this  link.  Standing Order Mandate.

If you are a UK Tax payer we can maximise your gift by claiming back the tax from the UK Government and this will increase your gift by 25%, at no extra cost to you!  Simply fill in the Gift Aid Declaration and send it with your cheque or Standing Order Mandate to The Kenya Trust, ‘Fairhaven’, Bevere, Worcester, WR3 7RF.  

Download the Gift Aid Declaration by clicking on the link below.

Gift Aid Declaration Form

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