Blessings CD


  1. Fairest Lord Jesus
  2. Great is Thy faithfulness
  3. His Eye is On the Sparrow
  4. In His Presence
  5. Saviour, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
  6. Only Jesus / Calvary’s Love
  7. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
  8. The Power of Your Love
  9. Wayfaring Stranger
  10. Someone Cares
  11. Blessings
  12. In Heaven’s Eyes
  13. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
  14. He Giveth More Grace
  15. His Provision
  16. There Is A Fountain
  17. Wonderful Words of Life
  18. It is Well With My Soul
  19. Jesus Loves Me


A CD of piano music played by Susan Avison.  This CD was first released a couple of years ago and is now available through this on-line shop.  Price is inclusive of Post and Packing and all proceeds go directly to the work of The Kenya Trust.

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